Lookout internet world, I have figured out how to add videos! That being said, I have several videos that I wanted to put up on past posts but lacked the necessary tech skills to pull it off. Lucky for all of you, me + a few glasses of red wine on a Friday night = computer miracles. I hope you enjoy!
This first clip is from Mom and Jackie's recent visit. After all the Iditarod excitement died down, they had 1 more day in town. We decided to drive south down the Seward Highway and check out the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center. It's actually one of my favorite things to do, I even sprung for a season pass for this year! AWCC is a nonprofit organization south of Anchorage that takes in injured and orphaned wildlife from Alaska. They give animals that would no longer make it on their own a second lease on life. We were down there in mid-March to see the moose, caribou, pourcipine, elk, bald eagle and maybe the lynx. What we didn't expect was for the bears to be awake! What a surprise. They recently acquired 2 baby brown bears. We had a ball checking out the little boogers, and they LOVED listening to Jackie talk to them in her best "baby bear" voice! Here they are!