Saturday, March 31, 2012

1 of My Favorite Things

In my continued "catch-up blogging" I wanted to share one of my favorite things. Since coming up here I have witnessed some truly AMAZING sunrises and sunsets.  It seems the winter ones are the best.  I don't know if it's the snow or the cold or a combination of the 2 that makes them so rad.  Regardless...they are RAD and I reserve that word for stuff that really knocks me out.  So here are just a few of my favorites over the last year. Enjoy!
Recent sunrise from Alaska Native Medical Center parking lot.  I drive east to work every morning, which means I drive right into the sunrise.  As long as the mountains aren't socked in I usually have a pretty great show.  I'll start missing this probably within the next month as the sunrise gets earlier and earlier.  This is ~7-730am.

Moonrise in mid-December 2011.  This is b/n 3:30-4:00pm.

Sunrise from the orthopedic floor of the hospital in eaerly December.  Likely after 9:30am.  Facing southeast.

Lake Hood sunset - November

Lake Hood on a different day at sunet.

Stopped me in my tracks coming out of Wal-Mart.  This is impressive as I am generally RUNNING out of Wal-Mart.

July sunset off Pt. Woronzof - July 2011

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